palette The Pi Process

by Ted Warnell

Published in Issue No. 44 ~ January, 2001

The Pi Process is a creative realization of ‘processes
of the mind’. Processes rational and irrational are realized via a creative
visual plus various dynamic and viewer-interactive elements.  Pi, the 16th
letter of the Greek alphabet, is used in mathematics to denote the number or
quotient approximately expressing the ratio of the circumference of a circle
to its diameter: 3.14159265. Pi is seemingly irrational or at best non-linear
in logic.

The overall concept art, The Pi Process, has been divided into sixteen
independent panels, twelve of which will appear as cover art for Pif Magazine‘s
monthly covers in the year 2001.  Prints of The Pi Process can
be purchased from Pif beginning in Feb 2001.  For more info, email

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Ted Warnell is a visual artist and writer specializing in creative content for new media. His art work and writings on art and new media are found in real and online galleries and in print, digital, and Web publications including The Little Magazine (SUNY), Electronic Poetry Center, Electronic Literature Organization, The Iowa Review Web, Cauldron & Net, trAce, Pif, and others.  Warnell is Poetry Editor for Percepticon Corporation's, The BeeHive, a journal of hypertext and hypermedia work, and publisher/editor of a Room without Walls, his own Web site of visual, literary, and new media arts. Primary Web site: