import_contacts Goodreports

reviewed by Tom Hartman

Published in Issue No. 52 ~ September, 2001

Goodreports is a Canadian indie book site of reviews, essays links and
etc. – sort of a home-published, North-of-the-Border Rain Taxi or NYT

Amidst an assortment of capable criticism, bestseller lists, a trivia
challenge and other content is editor Alex Good’s “Puffy Awards”,
launched to honor “that most essential of all contemporary literary
arts: the super-hyped ad-copy dustjacket puffery meant to entice the
unwary book buyer with specious claims of genius and instant-classic

This year’s winner? Dionne Brand for this blurb, written for the back
cover of Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost:

Lightstreaked in tenderness, syntaxed with a radiant humanity, Anil’s
Ghost is a great book of our time. Ondaatje’s characters, intimately
drawn, intricately gestured, navigate a world in which ultimately
“only stone and rock can hold one person’s loss and another’s beauty
forever.” His imperishable words caress, and sing over bones. Bones
wrapped in disappearances, felt in haunting absences. As in a line
Neruda once wrote, Ondaatje cups his hands around the live coal of

In addition to Brand’s winning entry, visitors can read all of this
year’s “nominees” (including blurbs from Bob Shacochis, Alice Munro and
Bret Easton Ellis), and, if you’re so inclined, you can help Good combat
nepotistic book jacket gush by emailing him with nominations for next
year’s awards.

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Tom Hartman has been a regular contributor to Pif since 1999. He lives in Philadelphia.