grade Poetry Writing Prompt | May 2017

by Mariah Beckman

Published in Issue No. 240 ~ May, 2017

We know, we know: it says June 2017 Nonfiction. Ignore that for now. just get to writing and let us worry about the prompt cards.

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Mariah Beckman is a Seattle-based writer and editor. A transplant from the cloudless skies and arid heat of the Arizona desert, Mariah spends most of her time trying not to feel soggy. Mariah holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Arizona State University and spends much of her free time with her beau, her family, and her pot-bellied pig, Bebop. When she’s not pretending to know how to knit, she loves to run, hike, kayak, shop, snap photos, and explore the nooks and crannies of the Pacific Northwest.