palette Happy New Year, dear writers and readers!

by Pif Magazine

Published in Issue No. 296 ~ January, 2022

We all hope for a joyful, prosperous, and healthier 2022!

Our January issue will be up shortly. Apologies for the short delay, our managing editor managed to catch COVID-19 twice in 2021, regardless of her diligent care and up-to-date vaccination record. On the brighter side, she can spend more time now reading your work!

Stay safe and healthy, and keep writing!

Love to you all!

Pif Editorial Team

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Pif Magazine primarily publishes fiction, poetry, and author interviews. We have been known to accept book, film, music and zine reviews — and we have published our fair share of essays and critiques. What we represent is the highest quality poetry, fiction and commentary by up-and-coming and established writers. We are the apex, the pinnacle, the starting point for the literary e-press.