account_circle by Christina Gombar
Before flaming out into the writers life, Christina Gombar occupied Wall Street. She brought some of what she saw there to The London Review of Books, Global City Review, River Oak Review, and managed to win a NYFA fellowship and the Red Hen Press Nonfiction Award for her 9/11 memoir, War Zone. A story, Experience, was nominated for a Pushcart. Her memoir about AIG, Elegy for an Organization, was named first runner up in the 2009 summer Manhattan Media Contest. Her latest story, Flashback, appears online in Blue Lake Review in June 2012.


Ask and It is Given

Issue No. 182 ~ July, 2012

The call came at midnight, St. Patrick’s. The poignancy unbearable – Damon in the witness box, green tie iridescent under City Hall florescent lights. Barry, awaiting his third try for the bar, was more than adequate as defense.