by Stephanie Smith

Published in Issue No. 208 ~ September, 2014

I sit on the porch,

dangling at the tip

of a humdrum afternoon

I cling for dear life on the

edge of an espresso cup


I flex my thoughts

I stretch and bend

like the light in my eyes

and learn physics by osmosis

beneath the glaring gloom of the sun


Where does the day go, I wonder—

where does it hide—

when night throws it asunder?

Do the scattered pieces run for cover

when the moon’s iron fist appears?


Shall I retreat inside when evening falls,

shroud my mirrors with black curtains,

to mourn the death of the day?

A day that will not missed, after all


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Stephanie Smith is a poet and writer living in Pennsylvania. Her work has appeared in such publications as ABYSS & APEX, WHISTLING SHADE, THE HORROR ZINE, ILLUMEN, and LIQUID IMAGINATION.