local_library Cover This Clean

by David Sutherland

Published in Issue No. 1 ~ October, 1995

(Dedicated to e. e. cummings)

Cover this clean,
take the linen, the sidearm
the hazing milk chest of
grandmothers’ jewels, and
lower me quickly !
waste not apprehension,
set the chore to task.

The earthy smell fell
light over our dark opposite-rains over such sweet colours as love;
the minstral pastel,
bardavon greys,
marsupial brown.
pruned from fruition mind like kind has fed kind,
flesh fed flesh.
Confess ! the beggar hasn’t heart and
too cold
is mine.

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David Sutherland is editor of the online magazine Recursive Angel. Over the years he has had the good fortune of seeing his work published in magazines, journals and reviews, including Trincoll Review, Enterzone, Cyberkind, and Kevat of Brigham Young University.