local_library The Basketball Hoop

by Frank Tassone

Published in Issue No. 3 ~ April, 1996

Three tea spoons
a cup of sugar
Dan took three lumps
rose from the table
cup of tea in hand.

Eight AM sun through a window over the sink.
Outside, Japanese maple leaves play
on the cool grass
and cold black top.

Rising above them, the basketball hoop.

Dan’s ten.
It’s his first shot
He’s not even close
bounce, bounce, bounce
Dan runs after it,
goes to the outside, shoots and—

Smiles from the window
Like his mother, to him, years ago.
He sips his sweetened tea

Too long since the backboard’s been slammed.
Some time soon, he thinks,
I’ll another shot.

Cup of warm tea
down in one.
Sugars covered,
placed in cabinet.
cup in hand dropped in the sink.
the eight AM sun to touch it
after the basketball hoop.

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Frank Tassone lives in New York.