local_library To Charles Bukowski

by C.E. Chaffin

Published in Issue No. 12 ~ May, 1998

Your shadow follows me
like an oil smear on asphalt.

I carry your shrunken head in a paper bag.
No one mistakes it for wine.

The factory label reads:
“Do not cut threads between lips.”

You drooled forty-five books
before Daddy Death decked you.

Still, precautions must be taken
because you took democracy too far.

Now anyone with a spray can thinks he’s a poet –
just look at our streets.

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C.E. Chaffin is a SoCal native and attended UCLA. His recent poetry collection, "Unexpected Light," [http://www.cechaffin.com/light.html] is available through booksellers everywhere. He's been widely published on the web and in print.