local_library Bone Density

by Bill Yarrow

Published in Issue No. 155 ~ April, 2010

The Fauves are visiting. Come to redesign

the patio, they have upstaged the heart.

They have brought with them their own music

and solemn gondoliers. Madame Fauve,

with a twisted braid, is dancing. So is

the decadence in the wall. I applaud

the thoroughness of the measurers, but

cannot sanction their pervasiveness.

The Fauves must leave. Stat. I have an

appointment with deadness at 3 PM.

They say they understand, but I sense they don’t.

I have offended the sorcery of art. Ah, art!

Ah, liquidity! On the bulkhead of the horizon,

clouds collect, indifferently like restaurant fish.

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Bill Yarrow's poems have appeared in Central Park, Confrontation, Berkeley Poets Cooperative, Poem, The Literary Review, Mantis, Cabaret Voltage Online, The Orange Room Review, blossombones, Angelic Dynamo, ditch, The Centrifugal Eye, Rio Grande Review, Up the Staircase and other literary magazines. He has poems forthcoming in, Pank, DIAGRAM, new aesthetic, and Poetry International. He lives in Illinois. His chapbook WRENCH is available from erbacce-press: http://www.erbacce-press.com/#/billyarrow/4533233473