local_library Precipice of Questions

by Bill Yarrow

Published in Issue No. 155 ~ April, 2010

He stood with the bride of quietness

on the precipice of questions

and whistled the music of the spheres.

His bride wore cropped pants

and a paisley top. She was the summer

of 1979 and the winter of his discontent.

He talked to her of navigation, excavation,

irrigation, nolo contendere. She heard him

with impunity and a sawtooth grin.

Above their heads, birds watched planes

stumble through maneuvers. A war was on.

He enlisted her fierce indifference.

What can be manufactured in the time

jettisoned by the flashing of the past?

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Bill Yarrow's poems have appeared in Central Park, Confrontation, Berkeley Poets Cooperative, Poem, The Literary Review, Mantis, Cabaret Voltage Online, The Orange Room Review, blossombones, Angelic Dynamo, ditch, The Centrifugal Eye, Rio Grande Review, Up the Staircase and other literary magazines. He has poems forthcoming in, Pank, DIAGRAM, new aesthetic, and Poetry International. He lives in Illinois. His chapbook WRENCH is available from erbacce-press: http://www.erbacce-press.com/#/billyarrow/4533233473