local_library He Weighs the World at Four

by R. L. Kurtz

Published in Issue No. 163 ~ December, 2010

He weighs the world in feathers

hangs nickel moons from a sill

and measures love

tooth-by-tooth in a smile.

He haunts that turnstile place

where four fine candles spire above the ice

to first illumine beyond his wishful breath,

where pioneer steps outpace

our dated anecdotes.

Stories become his own,

and he claims the lonely avatar

who wears his face in the mirror.

Drifting within the dreaded

estuaries of his becoming,

he is now more fresh than brackish

and he owns a lifetime

in which to forget it all.

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R. L. Kurtz is a published poet, essayist, and English teacher who has traveled abroad extensively, teaching in such places as Riyadh, Barcelona, Bahrain, and Taipei. His poem Star Sapphire has been nominated for the 2010 Pushcart Prize and can be found in the journal Splash of Red. R. L. Kurtz is currently the director of an English Language school in Taiwan where he resides with his wife and two children. He has degrees in both English and Philosophy and received his Masters in literature in ’98.