local_library We will go naked

by Barbara J. Daniels

Published in Issue No. 165 ~ February, 2011

We will go naked

small as dolls. We will be

hoisted, one angel each,

strong armed, heavy wings

smelling of lilacs. Falling

below us, flailing trees,

buildings like hymnals.

Lust, et cetera, will be

forgotten, envy of breasts,

pride in curled hair.

Demons will snatch

at our sloughed skins.

Our souls turned to spheres

will be batted up,

scarred balloons

bouncing toward birds

that prey on the dead,

beaks jutting from red faces,

monstrous onslaught,

our starlit souls blued by

the glow, lighter, lastly,

than the circumference of air.

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Barbara Daniels’ Rose Fever was published by WordTech Press. She earned an MFA in poetry at Vermont College and is on the staff at Peter Murphy’s Getaway in Cape May, New Jersey http://wintergetaway.com/.