local_library Configurations at 4 and 40

by Bridget Gage-Dixon

Published in Issue No. 175 ~ December, 2011

With thick sticks of chalk

pressed between her fingers

she draws circles on the driveway,

some loop around each other,

others float aloof beside the bordering lawn.


She hasn’t mastered square

or triangle but the unrelenting way

a thing spins back into itself

makes perfect sense to her.


Cross-legged on the blacktop beside her

I etch triangles, isosceles, obtuse,

three lines colliding, a shape

held together by the pressures

of connection.

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Bridget Gage-Dixon’s work has appeared (or is forthcoming) in Poet Lore, Gargoyle, and New York Quarterly as well as several other journals. She teaches English and lives with her three children in central New Jersey.