local_library Prime Time Guy

by Fiona Pearse

Published in Issue No. 181 ~ June, 2012

From the side of his mouth

Comes a cartoon slipstream

Animated history

With moronic overtones


But to those who have noticed

The prime time guy

With the square-jawed Hi

Has a serious soul


It’s the distances that bother him

Standing in the middle

Of American Pie

Playing a mirror’s role


Pulling in the corners

Showing each the other’s

Prejudice colors

Like flags, home grown


Oh, he is celebrated

For his comic timing

But the air is polarizing

Outside the T.V. zone


And disparity is deepening

As he seeks reaction

To subversive attractions

Once the anchor man goes home

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Fiona Pearse has enjoyed writing as a hobby ever since a short story course just to try something new. Last year she began publishing poems and completed a novella, Orla's Code. Her day job is software development in London’s financial hub. When she’s not working or writing, she’s enjoying the city! Her website www.fionapearse.com contains more poems and prose.