local_library Silver Fox Farm

by Trevor Dane Ketner

Published in Issue No. 195 ~ August, 2013

My great-grandmother’s father owned a fox farm
where they bred silver foxes for coats. I’ve always meant to ask
what it was like growing up and breeding stealth,

harvesting smoke. Did their faces make lamps
where eyes should be? Were their teeth always shining, open
mouths singing a song of appetites, of hungers.

You fed them rabbits. Did they kick your arms
when you lowered them into the cage? I’ve seen rabbits’ eyes
bulge when they run across a quiet lawn. How

often did their eyes try to escape their skulls?
Did they succeed? I wonder what it might feel like to escape
when the predator is caged. I want to ask her

questions like these. I want to know about foxes
and how they die. I want to know if the spirit of the fox eats
the spirit of the rabbit, if foxes really look like smoke.

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Trevor will begin his MFA this Fall at the University of Minnesota after receiving his BA from the University of New Mexico where he acted as a poetry intern for the Blue Mesa Review. He has been published in The Conium Review, Fourteen Magazine, The Round and Sheepshead Review as well as other journals. His collection "Butterfly Pinned" was shortlisted for an Atty Award and as much as he wants to hate cats he simply cannot. They are adorable.