local_library Pushy and Proud: Disco Diva Moms

by Sarah Chapman

Published in Issue No. 196 ~ September, 2013

in sainsburys

I look at the
as passable
as meg ryan

ur poems are
like these
pizza cakes,
rising like a boil
telling a girl
she smells nice
beside the plastic
box of watermelon bits
she looks at you
like that girl
in miss doubtfire
looking at robin
Williams dressed
as mrs doubtfire
my face is degrading
like a water hole
in an american
movie or something

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Sarah Chapman is twenty-four years old, started writing poetry two years ago and lives and works in the rough part of London. Her poems have appeared in Pomegranate, Spilt Milk, Clutching at straws, Fade Poetry Journal, Cadaverine, 3am magazine, Scrambler, Etcetera and dogear and Cake Magazine with forthcoming poems to appear in SSYK, annex and a chapbook released by Red Ceilings Press. She blogs here http://sarahellenchapman.tumblr.com/