local_library The Tides

by L.G. Corey

Published in Issue No. 213 ~ February, 2015

— With gratitude to T.S.E.

There is power in the left toe,

not unlike an orgasm

or a sneeze.

Or being struck by lightening

on the beach at Venice

while pulling down our pants.

for a brief interlude

followed by a shortness of breath.

The mermaids are singing out at sea,

the bees are drowning in their honey;

old men hide in imaginary caves

to draw pictographs on each other’s dirty faces.

Farther out at sea, the mermaids trade embraces

while we, lying on the shore,

brush the sand from each other’s thighs

while listening to the moon’s laments,

the mermaids’ sighs.

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L.G. Corey has been published most recently in Chaffey Review, Empty Sink, Poetry Pacific, Screech Owl, and now Pif. Over the years he’s also appeared in Evergreen Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Midstream, Choice, The Critic, and Zeek. Larry lives with his two pit bulls, one black lab, and three indoor cats in a small mountain community 7 thousand feet above sea level in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California. He turned 80 last November.