local_library Things that Sound Like Never Going Home

by Jessica Forest Halsey

Published in Issue No. 215 ~ April, 2015

1) Every sickness involving the stomach or brain.

2) The taste of cinders.

3) Shaded windows.

4) Names of books I will never read.

5) Time dragging slowly forward like a dull furrow in the road, like a dull scrape across the skin as a smile drags across a face.

6) A streetlight burning in abandon.

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Jessica Halsey earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College in 2012. She is the author of three chapbooks: Wormwood (Ten Pages Press), don't--my birthday (Unthinkable Creatures Chapbook Press), Swallowing Comets (Folded Word Press). She casually blogs on wormwoodwriting.wordpress.com.