local_library From the Sock Drawer

by Alan S. Kleiman

Published in Issue No. 219 ~ August, 2015

I put my socks in a row
Like ducks
In a shooting gallery

Setting them up
for the ultimate pick
The selection
of what I will wear today
Who I will be

It’s a suit and tie day
Fancy shoes fancy tie
fancy shirt.
Yet I control the socks
Within limits. Very narrow limits.

But come the weekend
I can be anybody
Or anything
So I spread my socks out
From the drawer
Just the ones
that I’ve collected
as of late
The gifts, the pranks, the birthday smilers
The ones with hidden meanings
Or memories

And I’ll walk in one of those pairs
Today, and be somebody else
Somebody different from yesterday’s self
Perhaps escape is possible
After all.

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Alan S. Kleiman is the author of GRAND SLAM, a Collection of Poems published by Crisis Chronicles Press. His poetry appears or is forthcoming in Yareah, Verse Wisconsin, The Criterion, Right Hand Pointing, Pirene’s Fountain, Stone Path Review, and Festival Writer. His poems are in anthologies published by Fine Line Press and Red Ochre Press and have been translated into Spanish, Russian, Polish, Norwegian, Danish and Ukrainian. He appeared at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts as a featured poet in the performing arts series. Alan lives in New York City and works as an attorney when not writing poems.