local_library On the Way

by Alan S. Kleiman

Published in Issue No. 219 ~ August, 2015

I walked toward New Haven
On my way home
Actually I was walking toward Vermont
And Newfoundland and
In a way Iceland, Greenland
And the North Pole


And really over the top
And back down
Toward Sebastopol, Istanbul
And Timbuktu


I stopped when I reached
My corner
Kind of hungry
A little tired
Wanted to check the mail
And put down my papers
But don’t think I
On the road
To Timbuktu.

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Alan S. Kleiman is the author of GRAND SLAM, a Collection of Poems published by Crisis Chronicles Press. His poetry appears or is forthcoming in Yareah, Verse Wisconsin, The Criterion, Right Hand Pointing, Pirene’s Fountain, Stone Path Review, and Festival Writer. His poems are in anthologies published by Fine Line Press and Red Ochre Press and have been translated into Spanish, Russian, Polish, Norwegian, Danish and Ukrainian. He appeared at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts as a featured poet in the performing arts series. Alan lives in New York City and works as an attorney when not writing poems.