local_library Helicopter Affair

by Marisca Pichette

Published in Issue No. 232 ~ September, 2016

Sparkle like crystal,

Fall like a wave

Crashing all over

The misty sea cave.


Fly like the raven,

Purr like a dove

Curling fur fingers,

Velveteen glove.


Turn like the time

And click to a key

Open all over

Whisper to me.


Fill up the world

Stepping and shy,

Doubting you’ll ever

Be able to fly.


Jump like a cricket

Spin, double samara—

Alighting again

Sweet, curving amphora.


Hold like a buttress,

Warm like the breeze

After summer dawning

Just over the trees.


Stay like a mountain,

Support—fine wire,

Attend me again

On the road of desire.

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Marisca Pichette is a young adult fantasy writer and student at Mount Holyoke College. She spends much of her time reading classical and fantastical works as well as writing short stories, poetry and two series of novels on which she is currently working. She has created two fantasy languages for her novels, which take place in both the 'real' world and imagined worlds. Her long fiction writing is mostly directed at young adult readers and is peppered with magic, myth and humour. Poems and vignettes are directed at a larger audience of those who appreciate the beauty of words.