local_library Constructing Night

by Seth Jani

Published in Issue No. 236 ~ January, 2017

Materials of this making:
Black, deliberate stars,
Nocturnal music,
A piece of bread
Eaten by lamplight,
Trees in their coats
Of winter darkness,
The boy with the
Broken heart
Trudging up the slope,
A cold barrel,
A quiet click,
The beautiful red
Of his body
Covering the hill
Like wasted paint.

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Seth Jani currently resides in Seattle, WA and is the founder of Seven CirclePress (www.sevencirclepress.com). His own work has been published widely in such places as The Coe Review, The Hamilton Stone Review, Hawai`i Pacific Review, VAYAVYA, Gingerbread House and Gravel. More about him and his work can be found at www.sethjani.com.