local_library The Party

by Seth Jani

Published in Issue No. 236 ~ January, 2017

I arrived here under
A green, auspicious light.
It was late, and the music
Had already stopped.
The moths lit the fringes
As they emerged
From the snuffed-out condos,
The apartments of dark flame.
In the center of the party
A birch tree had taken root.
Someone had pulled back
The paper bark and written
A last agenda.
Neither the pen, nor the
Author remained.
I’ve grown so sick of procrastination,
Of arriving late.
Because of you
I missed the entire world
Turning back to earth.

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Seth Jani currently resides in Seattle, WA and is the founder of Seven CirclePress (www.sevencirclepress.com). His own work has been published widely in such places as The Coe Review, The Hamilton Stone Review, Hawai`i Pacific Review, VAYAVYA, Gingerbread House and Gravel. More about him and his work can be found at www.sethjani.com.