local_library This Is What Happiness Is

by milton ehrlich

Published in Issue No. 241 ~ June, 2017

Our world is silent,

nothing we have to do,

no place we have to go.

Vintage limbs entwine.

Rays of morning sunlight

stream over the contours

of her well-lived, elegant face.

We inhale the strong scent

of gardenias on the sill,

breathing in unison.

Quiet ends by a brewing

pot of Medaglia d’Oro

and the plop-plopping

of a pot of Irish oatmeal.

My cold hand warms

between her thighs.

Otis scratches at the door.

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Milton P. Ehrlich, Ph.D. is an 85 year old psychologist and a Korean War veteran who has published numerous poems in periodicals such as Descant, Wisconsin Review, Toronto Quarterly Review, Rutherford Red Wheelbarrow, Shofar Literary Review, Blue Collar Review, Off The Coast, Blue Moon Literary and Art Journal, Huffington Post, and The New York Times.