local_library because before

by Mary Kasimor

Published in Issue No. 245 ~ October, 2017

because we all lost our faces in these products

of mass deconstruction

because we were all excited and ready to die

because the wall is long with cruelty

populations of death kept multiplying

broken faces filled with gold

we were numbered somewhere and then let out

having fled on the backs of children

city lights combined into many shadows

detecting the clock

the pyramid finds its edge in seconds

before I became a body drowning in water

                             i was no one under the microscope

before a song about the ocean sang me home

i needed to drown with precision

the last drop of breath

the force was a force of meaning

i was i was

and the last drop of water

before the morning more cried for more and little siblings

drifted through my sleep

i cut myself into pieces

leading me back to gmo corn groaning in the dirt

tomorrow they tell me i’m again losing my face

and the dirt is rippling in the spaces between my ribs

there is nothing small about it

there is only repetition and it is without time

wandering the centuries losing its mind as it talks to itself





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Mary Kasimor has been writing poetry for many years. Her work has appeared in EOAGH, Big Bridge, 2River, Pif Magazine, and others.. Her recent poetry collections are The Landfill Dancers (BlazeVox Books 2014), Saint Pink (Moria Books 2015), The Prometheus Collage (Locofo Press 2017), and Nature Store (Dancing Girl Press 2017). She has also been a reviewer of many small press poetry collections.