local_library Tired Morning

by Linda Baldanzi

Published in Issue No. 245 ~ October, 2017

The best view of New York City

A bench on the riverbank

In Kuala Lumpur


Good morning Atenolol 25, Omega 3, DIM plus.

Any time anything can fall apart.


Morning sun ripens the fruit


On the bow of a freighter

He’s angry with me.

It’s my fear of flying.


At breakfast we found a cockroach

Baked in a sticky-bun.


Neighbors keep all their windows

Taped up. Flip a coin. (I guess)


I can’t tell you when I’ll fly.

Blah, blah, blah in HOBOKEN.

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Linda Baldanzi teaches poetry at the Fort Lee Public Library, and screens for a publisher of poetry books. She has work appearing in Barrow Street, Redivider, Thin Noon, Euphony and others.