local_library Chowder in a Ghost Town

by John Grey

Published in Issue No. 247 ~ December, 2017

In a Maine fishing port,

I smell a ghost.

He’s damp with brine.

He reeks of cod.

Maybe I even see him.

At least, there’s a shape

in the fog,

a clump like flopping sea-weed

making its way past

where the fisherman statue

stands in daylight.

He’s not alone.

Lights flicker here and there,

are part of his chilly brigade.

I stop in at the local diner

for a plate of seamy white chowder.

It’s the one dish

that glimmers from the menu.

It’s the food of the dead.

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John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in New Plains Review, South Carolina Review, Gargoyle and Big Muddy Review with work upcoming in Louisiana Review, Cape Rock and Spoon River Poetry Review.