local_library Sometimes Half is Beautiful

by Sravani Singampalli

Published in Issue No. 253 ~ June, 2018

Beholding those two poor children

Sharing a half loaf of bread

I remember those happy moments

Of sharing half of my snacks

With my little sister and

The special drink my mom

Used to make which tasted

Half sweet and half salty.

I still remember the smile

On my mother’s face

When I wore a traditional half-saree

For the very first time

Half blue and half pink in colour.

Now I share these cherished moments

With my better-half

Living in a beautiful half-timbered house

Looking at the half-faded light.

To be more precise, the twilight scenery

With the sun half into the water

A swirl of baby pink and purple

Transfigured the sky

The belt of Venus

Stole my heart

Beholding this Elysian scenery

And the last vestiges

Of the setting sun

I can say half is not always desperate

Sometimes half is beautiful.


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Name of the poet: Sravani singampalli            Email id: srvscool@gmail.com                        Bio: Sravani singampalli is a published writer and poet from India. Her works have appeared in Scarlet Leaf Review, Spillwords press, Criterion journal, Setu bilingual journal, Whispers, Labyrinthine Passages journal, Indian Ruminations and many others. Her poems are also forthcoming in Leaves of Ink, Kitaab international, Formercactus, Gone Lawn journal, Vox Poetica, The Pangolin Review, The Blue Nib and elsewhere.