local_library Multnomah Falls Spits Mist Onto My Glasses

by James Croal Jackson

Published in Issue No. 256 ~ September, 2018

Six months after, it was April,

and I still lived in my Ford

after moving out of your house.

I drove to Oregon, found a waterfall

to pose in front of, my familiar wool

and cerulean jacket, a white t-shirt,

my scruffy beard.


I smile.


The sun glints off my face.

I wonder what you’re up to

and who takes photographs

of you– is it a stranger?


Am I a stranger now?

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James Croal Jackson is the author of The Frayed Edge of Memory (Writing Knights Press, 2017). His poetry has appeared in The Bitter Oleander, Rust + Moth, Cosmonauts Avenue, and elsewhere. He has won the William Redding Memorial Poetry Contest and has been a finalist for the Princemere Poetry Prize. Find him in Columbus, Ohio or at www.jimjakk.com