258 November, 2018

map Macro-Fiction

Tungsten Steel

Issue No. 258 ~ November, 2018

Earlier in the fall, the white guy in maintenance with a lazy eye did me a good turn. On a Saturday morning, he knocked on my door on a routine inspection to see if everyone’s heat was working now that the boilers were on. He …

Waiting for Dusk

Issue No. 258 ~ November, 2018

It was 3 o’clock, and the Store had lapsed into its familiar afternoon lull. Sarah sat behind the counter with an uncapped fountain pen in her hand. She touched the notepad with the pen tip and watched a generous ink spot bloom on the white …

Approached from an Angle

Issue No. 258 ~ November, 2018

Uneven asphalt was pinched against the baggy, dirty clothes of a bowling champion washout named Anton. Opening up his heavy eyes, Anton felt slightly disoriented as he saw the dark, filthy ground adjacently touching his face. He tried to quickly sit up, disgusted with the …

local_library Poetry

pages Micro-Fiction

The Reading

Issue No. 258 ~ November, 2018

The hotel concierge was kind enough to point me in the right direction. Despite the concept that I believed all roads were connected, I have been turned around more than once in the city. I took an early train from upstate, had arrived early enough …

perm_identity From the Editor

In Constellation of Sagittarius

Issue No. 258 ~ November, 2018

In just a few days, on November 8, 2018, the planet Jupiter will enter the constellation of Sagittarius, meaning that, after twelve long years or roaming through other constellations, Jupiter will return home. Born with the Sun in Sagittarius, I have been waiting for this …