local_library Leaves and Roots

by Mick Ó Seasnáin

Published in Issue No. 260 ~ January, 2019

verdant veins

newly formed,

fashioned from rippling waves

as raindrops in a pond


stemming from the shoot,

not six-weeks-old, reaching

to warm spring light

and close-knit company


sustained by a sprig

rocking in the breeze

to chimes of bird songs,

cradling newborn leaves


branching from a bough

wisened from canicular winds

roughened from infernal frosts

yet constant, faithful, and true


anchored to a trunk

unyielding in support

ringed from seasons of storm

girded from seasons of drought


deeply rooted

unseen tendrils

drawing strength

holding firm


to every life-giving thing



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Mick Ó Seasnáin is a Teaching Consultant for The National Writing Project at Kent State University and an English Language Arts Teacher for Edgewood Middle School. His poem "What Only Parents Say" received honorable mention as a finalist in the 2019 Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest, and his writing has been featured in the Ohio Journal of English Language Arts (OJELA), Literary Orphans, Crack the Spine, Up the River, The Wayne Literary Review, Teachers of Vision, and Brushfire Literary Magazine. Additionally, his artwork has been featured in Abstract Magazine, The Healing Muse, and The Raw Art Review amongst other publications and gallery showings. See more of his work at https://tinyurl.com/MickOSeasnain.