local_library Necroglyphic

by Kingston Rivera

Published in Issue No. 281 ~ October, 2020

One day it happens,

Lateness outlasts you, and

Eventually becomes closer

For now, I’ll write in my primitive way,

Catalog my thoughts about grandfather gone


Throughput yuck, somber

Soul decoded in necroglyphics, an encore surely deserved

Every item has a use, even neglected tape

I cracked the plastic case and secured my direction,

Then met the serene face of interminable loss


When I was but a milky skin hellion,

We spread green jelly gems and made emerald lamb,

Recited daily prayer, so returned to normalcy

Forgetting the system of body terror


Damage brain incoming, ignorance bred lumped comfort

Truthfully, I can tell you I knew nothing of dying

Save the jumbled funeral tune, muttered out during last call,

I knew nothing of the process

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Kingston Rivera is a California goatherd who covers subjects such as dreaming, memory, digital worlds, and grief.