local_library Temporal Lobe Me Out of Here

by Maria Kornacki

Published in Issue No. 288 ~ May, 2021

Temporarily the perpetual, pendulum void

i visit in reverse

camera roll as a souvenir and scroll blankly



could not



the page, a cheap tour *eye roll*

money back (not guaranteed)



reading the fine print


night readers on in absolute

darkness, so bats like you

may trail

blindly, of course. Wait, did you say,

off course? “What?” *hands over $*

I’ll “follow”

you *click* totally “like” “like” “like” *insert heart emoji*

and then…


in other

symbolic representations

of language chucked off a cliff and from

the torches of Neanderthals


*interrupts* excuse me

while I hibernate


xxx backspace [retreat]

bar trash bin throw xxxxout

row to oblivion


because the server stopped


and all I got was this

lousy. Hold up.

“Loud?” Auto

correct, was this lousy

t-shirt ?!?! Bye.



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Maria Kornacki graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a BA in Creative Writing. Her work has been featured in Sonder Midwest, Local Wolves, Remington Review, and Genre: Urban Arts No.8 Print. She’s working on her first poetry collection.