local_library Toward an Unknown Destination

by V S Balakrishnan

Published in Issue No. 298 ~ March, 2022

I could feel that I have matured.

The joints that secured me to my pod have finally become loose.

We, a bunch of polite seeds so far, have become

Noisy and stressful, bewildered by the constant jolts

That shake our fluffy abode in every direction.

The fear of getting crushed in this chaos is ever present.

All of a sudden, a ray of bright light pierces in

And the blue sky fills our awestruck eyes as we ready ourselves

Guided by hope and the blowing wind

For our maiden voyage toward an unknown destination.

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I am Balakrishnan writing from Tamil Nadu, India. I am 29 years old and have earned my BA in English literature. I write in both English and my mother-tongue Tamil, and have self-published a poetry book in both. My works have appeared in Pif Magazine, Better than Starbucks Magazine, Plants and Poetry Journal, Poets Choice, Castello Duino Poesia, The Wire's Dream Magazine, Coffee People Zine, Unstamatic Magazine, and Dissident Voice. Besides writing, I am also interested in gardening and painting as well.