local_library Friday in a Rural Town

by David Horn

Published in Issue No. 3 ~ April, 1996

Mary lights a candle and places it at the foot of our bed
It tosses around the shadows of our disproportionatley large heads
And I say “Mary of mine, I once thought you were beautiful
But now it all seems weary and dead”

Mary glances up at me with her eyes completely dry
No shock in her smooth features, no element of surprise
And she says “Dave of mine, I once thought the same of you
and sadly we’re in agreement again”

Alone It’s two a.m. and God knows that I should be asleep
But this whiskey has me thinking of how I could’ve sunk so deep
And I cry “friends of mine, once we were inseparable
But now only tied by drunken memories”

Sitting on the hood of my car above the lights of this damn town
Scattered and strewn before me as they slowly draw me down
And I say “town of mine, what is it with this hold on me
Someday I’m going to burn you to the ground”

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Dave is very itchy and wonders if it is bath time. In his sixth year at Westminster College (PA) he hasn't caught the drift that studying is an important part of passing classes. Dave dreams of joining the drug-addled service sector one day and with an impending degree in English and sub-3.0 gpa he soon will realize his dreams. Dave thinks gangs dance before they fight (ala West Side Story) and wonders why Dukes of Hazzard is not in syndication. If Dave's mom calls you, tell her you don't know where he is. Better yet, tell her he's at the library.