local_library Right There, By Your Heart

by Janet Kuypers

Published in Issue No. 3 ~ April, 1996

part I

i had a dream the other night that i was in a
bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat, i think it was
the one in florida, but it could have been anywhere.
it was a small bathroom. i was stretched over
this seat, and i think the lid was up. i was naked. there
was a wall right next to me, and i felt cramped,
like i couldn’t move. and then kurt was there, with me,
in the bathroom, naked, standing over me, screwing me.
i was sitting on a toilet seat and he was fucking me,
and in the entire dream i couldn’t get comfortable,
i felt very awkward, it felt like he was pressing
on my chest, i couldn’t breathe, it felt like there was a rock
in my stomach that would stay there forever, but
the entire time i didn’t complain.

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Janet Kuypers is employed as an Art/Production Editor for a publishing company in Chicago. She was educated at the University of Illinois, where she received her baccalaureate in News/Ed. Journalism, with a minor in Photography. She has published over 600 pieces of her writing and over 150 pieces of artwork. Janet Kuypers is the editor/publisher of the literary/art magazine children, churches and daddies. She has had two books published, a hope chest in the attic (and the window), and is a graphic designer by day. At night, she sings with a band.