by David Horn

Published in Issue No. 3 ~ April, 1996

I’ll just keep on
I can make the earth move
but not with me
and I can see the sun shine
so clearly
in another part of the world
I can feel my thoughts grow
but they don’t fool
I can see their eyes glow
so cruelly
intent to have their gaze cut
right through me
in another part of the world
if Christ came down
he’d be dissillusioned
we’d probably take his life again
or put him in an institution
his crown of thorns
ringed in barbed wire
preaching to the inmates
while the Earth caught fire
“oh, well” is what we’d say
“we kill ourselves,
that’s just our way
we live off death
find joy in pain”
it’s just another part of the world
“we don’t have time
to make things right
we pray for truth
but cringe from light
we curse the dark
but live in night’
it’s just another part of the world
if Christ came down
he’d probably die
that’s what we’ve done
to all of our messiahs
if you hold up a mirror
you’re libel to get offed
no one wants to see
how truly ugly they are
“oh, well” is what we’d say
“we’ll live in the dark
just like always
and say we’re so much brighter
than yesterday”
It’s just another part of the world
while outside is a twisted dream
a lunatic film soundtrack of screams
the lunatics run the world it seems
it’s just another part of the world

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Dave is very itchy and wonders if it is bath time. In his sixth year at Westminster College (PA) he hasn't caught the drift that studying is an important part of passing classes. Dave dreams of joining the drug-addled service sector one day and with an impending degree in English and sub-3.0 gpa he soon will realize his dreams. Dave thinks gangs dance before they fight (ala West Side Story) and wonders why Dukes of Hazzard is not in syndication. If Dave's mom calls you, tell her you don't know where he is. Better yet, tell her he's at the library.