local_library Railroad Station, 1939

by Camille Renshaw

Published in Issue No. 4 ~ July, 1996

Running up scratchy, cold concrete
Steps to catch her army uniform
Before the skinny brown suit left without
Their first kiss.
Arriving hurriedly and nervous
Suddenly with nothing to
Say to his surprised smile,
Crooked with pride.
Apologizing to this eighteen-year-old
Soldier leaning his crew cut
Through the broken window
Down to her cantankerous tears.
Moving her hand to
His hanging down,
She tells him she’ll wait
For him, not his scarecrow brother.

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Camille Renshaw is from Nashville, TN, where she also completed her graduate work in English at Vanderbilt University. An avid hiker, she had just returned from hiking the Appalachian Trail when her first poems in Pif Magazine were published. Camille later became managing editor of Pif Magazine.