local_library Between Storms

by R.G. Evans

Published in Issue No. 45 ~ February, 2001

All stills in the crush of swollen air.
Tendrils and leaves pull green secrets
into themselves. Things have found
the lowest places and rest there waiting still.
The storm drain knows, thatch-choked
by clipped brown grass.
All along this baked tar road
heat-blown tires lie in strips
as colorful and layered
as the plumes of carstruck pheasants.
Odors of fish meal hang close to the corn
where the shade-enfeebled sun
slowly turns the mud there to dust.
Nothing knows what it is, only what it was
before the last storm came.
And now–

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R.G. Evans's poems, fiction and reviews have appeared in Valparaiso Poetry Review, MARGIE, The Literary Review, and Weird Tales among other publications. His original music will be featured in an upcoming documentary on the poet Maria Mazziotti Gillan. Evans holds an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is proud to be serving in his 27th year as a public school teacher in New Jersey.