local_library Because One is Always Leaving

by Jason Shinder

Published in Issue No. 47 ~ April, 2001

      in the late afternoon
            when my nieces

close their eyes
      and bend
            their heads

to inhale
      the bubbles that rise
            from the tall glasses

of milk,
      licking the juice
            off their lips

that open
      on the softened
            black and white cookies

that have been
            into the glass

and then dipped
            sopping with cream,

I like to think
      about stopping
            the passage of time–

not a bird
      not a branch
            in bloom,

not an insect
            in the still grass and ferns.

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Jason Shinder's second book of poems, Among Women, is forthcoming this April from Graywolf Press. He has edited several anthologies, most recently, Tales From The Couch: Writers on Therapy and is series editor for Best American Movie Writing. An interview with Jason is forth-coming in this Fall's AWP Chronicle. He is founder/director of the YMCA National Writer's Voice and Director of Sundance Institute's Writing Program.