local_library What Kind of Dark It Is

by Jason Shinder

Published in Issue No. 47 ~ April, 2001

When she wants
      to make love
            I find myself

in a room
      with someone
            I don’t know.

      I tell her
            about my life

      I take her body
my arms.
      And then
            I change

the position
      of my head
            on the pillow,

      to moment,

the precise
            of the windows,

but forgetting
      the face
            I am looking into.

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Jason Shinder's second book of poems, Among Women, is forthcoming this April from Graywolf Press. He has edited several anthologies, most recently, Tales From The Couch: Writers on Therapy and is series editor for Best American Movie Writing. An interview with Jason is forth-coming in this Fall's AWP Chronicle. He is founder/director of the YMCA National Writer's Voice and Director of Sundance Institute's Writing Program.