local_library Original Mind

by Glenn J Freeman

Published in Issue No. 163 ~ December, 2010

The Buddhists & Beats alike
pray at the altar of first
thoughts in the temple of
spontaneity and its deep-
seated mistrust of
revision: what you see
is what you see. Don’t blink.
On stage, a poet reads
crafted, lush poems,
her words echoing in the nearly-
empty church until
each syllable begins
to disconnect, sounds
with their own life,
guttural gestures without
context or meaning, sunlight
breaking through
stained glass: a single moment,
defined no longer in relation
to others but by
its difference,
the shrine of whatever
comes next, the way
I pull an old poem
from a dusty drawer
and find that, long ago,
it knew more
about me than I knew myself,
like a sentence
that might take many years
to even think about finishing.

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Glenn Freeman has degrees from Vermont College and the University of Florida. His collection of poems, Keeping the Tigers Behind Us, was published by Elixir Press in 2007 and a new book, Traveling Light, will be published by Wordtech in 2011. He has had poems published in journals such as Poetry, The Florida Review, The Cimarron Review, and The Lullwater Review. He lives in Iowa and teaches at Cornell College.