local_library Since I Left Home

by Victoria Thompson

Published in Issue No. 175 ~ December, 2011

I realized that I am missing many things—a shoehorn,

a cash box, a serrated knife. But these things

are not really missing because I see no use for them.

After the lawn was mowed for the last time

and before I gave away the keys, I hooked

down a diet coke and took out the trash. That’s how

people who make a change still stay the same

—once, I missed a flight because

I decided to clean out the front closet. But I, who

have lived here, kept my favorite things in a sewing box

and it was the last thing I packed. In that house

I watched my soap opera between marking the calendar

and helping my children put on their socks.

And from the items that were taken,

some have served a purpose

and others have stayed packed,

but I like to know that they’re there.

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Victoria Thompson, 22, is from Arlington, MA and is a first-year student in the MFA Poetry program at the University of New Hampshire.