local_library Coffee and Tea

by Jean Byrne

Published in Issue No. 185 ~ October, 2012

I woke up with my head caved in.

I knew I just needed coffee and tea.

So I got up.

Drank the coffee.

Took the teabags out of the box

And stuffed them in my eye socket.

They filled out my head.

The hole that was there.

I decided to go out to the street.

I knew I wasn´t ready,

But I wanted to try.

The air hit me like

It was something out of the ordinary.

I wandered for about five minutes.

Nothing made sense.

So I went back home.

Vomited up the coffee.

Pulled the teabags out of my head.

And went back to bed.

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Jean Byrne is from Dublin. She studied Sociology and Spanish at Trinity College and has been living for the past three years in Barcelona. She has written on and off for quite a long time but only recently has started taking it more seriously. Now she is trying to share her work with others to find out whether, in the end, it is simply her own jibberish or if it may have resonance with other restless souls. Jean has had three prose pieces and two poems published on Mistits' Miscellany and another poem published on Word Riot.