local_library Listening to Paco de Lucia

by Alan Britt

Published in Issue No. 198 ~ November, 2013

Something tells me this is serious,

crystal guitar notes

splintering a single squash flower

& scrambling six kaleidoscope mirrors

with cuckoo eggs

before electrocuting Mercutio, thus changing

the world forever.


These notes like sewing needles

or weaving hooks, these notes

taking out the garbage,

juggling wasps of jealousy,

these notes geese taken down

by leaden pellets,

these notes electric suspenders,

these notes, these notes, these notes

piano wires like baby crocodiles snapping

dragonflies & cornflake moths,

these notes………….a frog walks

into a bar & says, Drinks on me!


Bartender says, That’s great!

What’re you drinking?


Frog says, Mercury-infested, nuclear-contaminated,

human excrement pond scum.

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Alan Britt served as judge for the 2013 The Bitter Oleander Press Library of Poetry Book Award. He read poetry and presented the “Modern Trends in U.S. Poetry” at the VII International Writers’ Festival in Val-David, Canada, May 2013 (http://www.flaviacosma.com/Val_David.html). His interview at The Library of Congress for The Poet and the Poem (http://www.loc.gov/poetry/media/avfiles/poet-poem-alan-britt.mp3) aired on Pacifica Radio, January 2013. His interviews with Published-to-be: The Forum of Aspiring Writers and Minnesota Review are up at http://publishedtobe.com/2013/08/31/interview-with-writing-coach-and-instructor-alan-britt/ and http://minnesotareview.wordpress.com/blog/page/5/. He read poems at the historic Maysles Cinema in Harlem/NYC, February 2013, and the World Trade Center/Tribute WTC Visitor Center in Manhattan/NYC, April 2012. His latest books are Parabola Dreams (with Silvia Scheibli: 2013), Alone with the Terrible Universe (2011), Greatest Hits (2010), Hurricane (2010), Vegetable Love (2009), Vermilion (2006), Infinite Days (2003), Amnesia Tango (1998) and Bodies of Lightning. Selected by Crack the Spine Literary Magazine for Best of the Net Anthology 2014 for Sundress Publications: http://www.crackthespine.com/p/blog-page.html. He is Poetry Editor for the We Are You Project International (www.weareyouproject.org) and Book Review Editor for Ragazine (http://ragazine.cc/). He teaches Creative Writing at Towson University. Links: Ragazine: The Wiki Literary Underground: http://theliteraryunderground.org/wiki/index.php?title=Alan_Britt; http://ragazine.cc/2012/08/sohar-on-brittreview/ and http://ragazine.cc/2012/08/1wtc/