local_library A Driving Lesson

by A. Molotkov

Published in Issue No. 203 ~ April, 2014



We go for a drive.





A woman steps from her hut,

her skin

time-tested like clay,


her thoughts clear like the river

four miles away

where she walks for water.


She leaves her children home.





The sudden sand storm

like a whisper of her hair

in the wind.





A child opens her eyes

into sand.





We leave the car

lights on.


We have to jump start.




Light dies if you leave it alone.





The sand resembles water

both in taste and memory.





The sun does not speak.





The woman sends her thoughts

back home

as sand envelopes her lips.





We start the car in silence.

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Born in Russia, A. Molotkov moved to the US in 1990 and switched to writing in English in 1993. Published or accepted by The Kenyon Review, Mad Hatters Review, 2River, Perihelion, Word Riot, Identity Theory, and many more, Molotkov is winner of New Millennium Writings and Koeppel fiction contests, among others. He co-edits The Inflectionist Review, runs the Moonlit Poetry Caravan critique group, and serves on the Board of Directors of Oregon Poetry Association. Molotkov’s new translation of a Chekhov short story was included by Knopf/Random House in their Everyman Series edition of fishing stories. Visit him at AMolotkov.com.