local_library The Technical Aspect

by R. S. Stewart

Published in Issue No. 234 ~ November, 2016

The technical aspect of a specific stick

is what makes it look so thin

instead of in possession of a thickness

hard to measure and then label, as if

aspect alone has the appearance

of being what it isn’t. Technicians themselves

have trouble deciphering details

and are sometimes stuck in the path of progress

of sticks wanting to work

as smoothly as they’re advertised.

Sticks specific in their abstract uses

have better beginnings for full function

but sticks of low delivery

are probably the proof technicians need

to close the case on aspects.

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R. S. Stewart lives in his native western Oregon. His poems have appeared in numerous journals, including San Jose Studies, Blue Unicorn, Able Muse, The Raintown Review, Canary, Poetry Salzburg Review, 2 Bridges Review, The Same, Serving House Journal, and the Avatar Review. Three are forthcoming in The Journal (South Wales).