grade Round Robin Writing Contest 2017

by Mariah Beckman

Published in Issue No. 238 ~ March, 2017


Sometimes the most incredible projects are the ones we create together. That’s why this year we are excited to roll out a collaborative writing project to challenge readers and writers. We will select our favorite submissions to appear in a finished project in our end-of-the-year anthology.  

If you’ve never heard of a round robin, the gist of it all is a collaborative piece of storytelling. One person starts and then passes it off, like a relay, to the next person. And so on and so forth.

We kicked this exercise off with a first line writing contest. The winners for 2017 are: 

She spent so many days speaking only to the wind that the gusts and gales eroded her tongue. –Craig Towsley


It was in the shadows of the circus that the real story lay. –Tara Cohen

There is no word limit and no topic that’s off limits. Just send in your submission no later than the 25th of every month in 2017, and we look forward to seeing what it looks like when a dozen writers create a single story.

Send your submission to or through our HeyPublisher submission portal to enter the running.

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Mariah Beckman is a Seattle-based writer and editor. A transplant from the cloudless skies and arid heat of the Arizona desert, Mariah spends most of her time trying not to feel soggy. Mariah holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Arizona State University and spends much of her free time with her beau, her family, and her pot-bellied pig, Bebop. When she’s not pretending to know how to knit, she loves to run, hike, kayak, shop, snap photos, and explore the nooks and crannies of the Pacific Northwest.