local_library Border Semantics

by Alan Chazaro

Published in Issue No. 243 ~ August, 2017

Human Tsunami is a phrase used by politicians to explain a wave of refugees fleeing

one country’s coast for another. Think: a sudden crash of corpses in San Francisco;

a cresting curl of torsos and limbs in London; skulls falling from skies in Sydney;

sun-blots of flesh and bonecrush in Beijing. And what of their eyes? Those rainbows of

naked irises trapped at the apex of momentum, each soul suspended before

gravity’s thrust rips them back, a giant tumble

of toes and tongues. The swelling

of sound before

splat; silence.

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Alan Chazaro is a public high school teacher pursuing his MFA in Writing at the University of San Francisco. He is the current Lawrence Ferlinghetti Fellow and a graduate of June Jordan's Poetry for the People program at UC Berkeley. His work has been featured in the Intro Journals Project from the Association of Writers & Writing Programs and has appeared or is forthcoming in Borderlands, Juked, Iron Horse Review, Huizache, Pilgrimage Magazine, and others.